Thursday, June 29, 2006

The old man

Today, I want to tell you a true story. This is a story about an old man, who lived on the 4th floor of a flat. One day, he had a heated argument with his neighbors next door. During the argument, he ran amok and took a meat chopper, slashing his neighbors. A brave neighbor from the 5th floor came down, trying to stop the slashing session. As a result, that brave neighbor was injured too but he managed to stop the blood shed argument.

After all this chaos, the police came. The injured neighbors were admitted to hospital. Of course, the old man was held by the police. Eventually, the neighbors didn’t press charges against the old man. So, he was released as a freeman. Free to go back to his home on the 4th floor of the flat. The neighbors next door had since moved out.

Since then, he was completely shut off by all the people. No one talked to him, no one dared to go near him. His children didn’t come to see him. The only people who talked to him were the little children. Sometimes, he would give them sweets. Whenever he walked around the walkway, people would lock the grilles and shut themselves behind the doors. Children were scolded and told not to talk to him.

After a year, the old man committed suicide by drinking pesticide. He died alone at his lonely home on the 4th floor of that flat. People only found out that he died when his dead body started to generate stinky odor. Why did he kill himself? He killed himself because no one wanted to forgive him and no one wanted to give him a second chance to be good again. The world certainly has its way of killing a human being without being held accountable.