Monday, June 12, 2006

Emotionally incorrect: Americanization

“Americanization” as I put it while our car was speedily wheeling towards the larger than life Tesco hypermarket. It was after 10pm on a Saturday evening. Tesco hypermarket stood mightily with lights brightening its own squarely body and its close surroundings. It stood in the middle of no where in the industrial zone to feed the lifestyle of the industrialized inhabitants, who embraced Americanization like a new religion.

The reason I was there was to keep someone company not because I wanted to buy anything but eventually I did. This is the state of the world we are living in. We subconsciously let ourselves be propelled into the codes of living of the masses. We can’t afford to be singled out or to single out anything the masses embrace.

When Iraq was invaded by American led coalition forces, many innocent civilians were killed on daily basis. (Please try to visualize that one fine day, while you are sipping the finest Arabica coffee in the morning, suddenly a missile racing towards you. You are dead before you can even think about what this is all about.) After seeing limbless, armless and dead children on T.V, in newspaper and on the internet, I told myself I had to do something about it. So, individually, I decided to impose an economy sanction on America.

Mcdonalds, KFC, Pizza Hut, Coffee Beans, Star Bucks and American Idol ( I actually like Taylor Hicks), I can live without but can I live without a computer? Dell, Intel, Apple, you name it, you have it. Can our country afford to order all the American companies to close doors and leave? Who can afford to wage war against American economy? I can hear the silence very loud now.

There I was at Tesco hypermarket, witnessing a flood of crowd flocking in, wheeling their trolleys around buying Americanization intentionally or unintentionally, so did I as if the atrocities of war were going to hit on us tomorrow.

Can we ride a horse instead of driving a car? So that we don’t have to worry about the price of oil and be victimized by the war of oil. No, we can’t do that because we are so confined or rather willingly confined by the codes of living of the masses.

Switch on the T.V, let Americanization seep into your living room like an air bourn decease. Watching people gulping mouth full of worms in a reality show as if they are some sort of God forsaken tribe. Then, Americanization goes on, Sex and the city, Desperate house wives, some more Sex and the city, some more Desperate house wives. Is that all we have ever wanted in our lives? Is that all we dare to ask for in our lives? Is that all we are capable to do in our lives? I can hear the silence very loud now.