Saturday, February 09, 2008

Happy Chinese New Year by Dr. Shan

Happy Chinese New Year!!!
Gong Xi Fa Cai !!!
Kong Hei Fatt Choy !!!
Keong Hee Huat Chai !!!
Sae Hae Bok Man Ee Bak Hae !!!
Cung Chuc Tan Xuan !!!
Shinnen Omedeto !!!

May the lucky rat bring you good health,
overflowing wealth and sagely wisdom !!!

love, shan

Sent from my StrawBerry® wireless device!!!

The drumming guy in that Chinese New Year greeting ecard is Dr. Shan, one of our EXCO members. The ecard was sent to us via `his Strawberry device'. It was a rather sarcastic remark cos our president was given a Blackberry phone by this phone line company so that she can be in contact wherever she is. So, Dr. Shan came up with his very own Strawberry device which of course is not really in existence but he managed to make everyone of us laugh very hard.

Sent via wireless TWINHEAD