Monday, August 02, 2010
Today I made an effort to wake up early to attend Sunday Mass. Guess what, the guest preacher from India was talking about temptations. He was not taking about me tempted to eat choc cookies ( I was tempted to eat the choc cookies which don't belong to me) but other sorts of temptations which will lead to death. Without God's power, you can never resist temptations. It is always my heart's desire to live a life worthy of God ( I think God knows it) but yet under forced circumstances, I had failed again and again but God's love never fails. This morning, as always, God's words and His love had reached my heart and touched my heart. Tears started flowing freely and was beyond my control. Before the worship started, I already confessed to God that recently I was again and again provoked by the `enemies' and I failed to stop my anger. I was tempted to pour out my anger and I did just that. Words were hurtful and I felt really crushed. So, today I went to church because I know only God's power can release me from this bondage and defeat the enemy. So, this morning, I was resurrected like a phoenix rising up from its own ashes and anointed. Praise the Lord for his grace and unfailing love.