Sunday, June 22, 2008

In suffering, there is God....

Oh my.....last week had been really crazy, I really thought I was dying. I mean I really felt like dying. I woke up in the morning having really high fever and the fever refused to subside for days even though I was on medication. About the blood, no, I didn't cough blood, I was brushing my teeth that morning and I must have hurt my tooth that it bled and then I coughed. I really freaked out that morning. Hahahaha.

I am getting well. I contacted a few friends to ask them to pray for me. The fever subsided the following morning. That's the power of prayers. My friend and her kids are the prayers warriors. Of course, whenever she needs my prayers, she will contact me. She says that God favours my prayers, well, I really hope so. Well, I think God desires everyone's prayers. God wants us to be close to Him. I remember when we used to sit in a circle and hold hands and prayed. I could feel that was some sort of `very powerful current' circulating in us. In christianity, we called it the power of the Holy Spirit.

The greatest priviledge in my life is knowing Jesus and His love. In good and bad times, He walks with me.